Counseling is available to adults, children, and adolescents..
For children to access counseling, they need to be aged seven years or above. Children must be able to engage in talk with the therapist.
Sessions with children primarily involve talk as well as various activities to help them engage and develop skills in managing emotions.
Children and teens build social skills and emotional intelligence as they grow but some kids have emotions or behave in ways that impact negatively on their wellbeing. They will be in a safe space which is especially for them, to help them process their thoughts and emotions. Where there are significant behavioural issues, I opt to work more with parent/s to help them build skills to manage their child's behaviors. If a child is too hyperactive or oppositional, counselling may not be the most suited form of support. When a child is resistant to counselling, despite efforts to help a child settle into sessions, then, alternative support may need to be considered. I do not pressure a child to engage if they are not ready to do so.
Counseling is a two-way street, as what a person puts into it, they get out of it. The therapist is all about providing genuine support and an environment where a person can talk openly and work towards improving their wellness and knowledge of themselves. Counselling is private and confidential.
Counselling involves various therapy techniques and interventions. Here are some of the main approaches:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
Relaxation Training (calming and breathing techniques, meditation)
Skills Training in relation to managing trauma reactions, anger, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, bullying at school or in the workplace. Skills training can also help manage symptoms of conditions such as bipolar, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, and other diagnosed conditions such as eating disorders, PTSD, PND, OCD, adjustment disorder, alcohol and substance misuse.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Motivational Interviewing
Play Therapy
Trauma Informed
Counselling Sessions involve a clinical element. It helps to have information on any mental health history, formal diagnosis, medication prescribed, formal support services involved, and an identified emergency contact person.
If a person is considered at risk of harm to themselves or others, they will be supported to access crisis support via a referral to ACCESSLINE NSW on 1800 800 944.